How to Write an Artist Statement, Bio, and Proposal with Guest Author Elizabeth Suggs

How to Write an Artist Statement, Bio, and Proposal with Guest Author Elizabeth Suggs

1-part workshop

Saturday August 3, 12-2 pm

You spent hours pouring your heart and soul into making something beautiful and you are finally done! Right? Not exactly. Now you've realized that in order for anyone to see it, you are being asked to write a statement about your art and yourself, and you aren't sure what to say. Trying to explain your artwork can be tough for visual people, and often becomes the main barrier that keeps us from applying to exhibitions, markets, and grants. In this workshop, we will go over how to get started writing your artist statement, personal bio, and project proposals. Overcome the overwhelm and stop missing opportunities to show your work!

Cost: $15. Registration is required.

Location: CWC, 210 East 400 South #8.

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